Cities and Resilience

Our units of analysis in the Smart Mature Resilience project are entities that we refer to as CITIES (upper case). These CITIES will co-create, pilot and use the tools developed to assess, plan and enhance their city’s resilience, climate adaptation and risk management.
Each of the seven CITIES is analysed from the perspective of service to their citizens and their metropolitan area, with the Critical Infrastructures (CIs) located in or operationally involved in the area, and their functional roles as part of Europe's multi-level governance. Connections and comparisons between the CITIES are developed to form a common frame of reference, to facilitate communication and knowledge sharing between the CITIES as the project moves towards developing a nexus of resilient cities in Europe.
Tier 1 cities
Tier 2 cities
Tier 3 cities
Athens (Greece)
Greater Amman Municipality (Jordan)
Greater Manchester (United Kingdom)
Malaga (Spain)
Malmö (Sweden)
Rekjavik (Iceland)
Thessaloniki (Greece)

Tier 1: Three pilot CITIES
Glasgow, Kristiansand and Donostia / San Sebastián are active project partners and serve as a testing ground for the pilot tools. These CITIES are actively involved in co-creating the tools.
Tier 2: Peer-reviewer CITIES
The partner CITIES included in the second circle (tier 2 CITIES), Bristol, Rome, Riga and Vejle, are each paired with one of the pilot cities according to common levels of resilience maturity. These CITIES will learn together with their partner Tier 1 cities. In their role as peer-reviewers (‘critical friends’) they will evaluate the implementation and provide advice.
Tier 3: Informed CITIES
‘Informed CITIES’ refers to CITIES which are already active with regard to resilience, e.g. those who are already active participants in international resilient cities projects and networks.
Tier 4: Other European CITIES
The fourth circle of CITIES is made up of those CITIES potentially interested in the project outcomes.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.