







Report of the Review Workshop 2





Lead Partner

ICLEI European Secretariat


Vasileios Latinos (ICLEI European Secretariat)


Clara Grimes (ICLEI European Secretariat)

Susan Howick, Colin Eden, Igor Pyrko (University of Strathclyde)

Leire Labaka (Tecnun)

Reviewed by

Nicolas Serrano, Josune Hernantes, Leire Labaka, Maider Sainz (TECNUN)

Sigurd Paulsen, Silje Solvang (City of Kristiansand)

Judith Moreno, Kepa Korta (City of Donostia)

Frankie Barrett, Julie Robertson (City of Glasgow)

Lucy Vilarkin, Katherine Derrick (City of Bristol)

Jevgenijs Latisevs, Timurs Safiulins (City of Riga)

Claudio Bordi, Pier-Luigi Potenza (City of Rome)

Ib Jespersgaard, Jacob Knudsen, Anne Charlotte Petersen (City of Vejle)

The second review workshop of the Smart Mature Resilience (SMR) project took place on the 6-8 March 2017 in Donostia-San Sebastian (Spain). The workshop focused on gathering feedback from the joint pilot implementation process of the Resilience Maturity Model and the Risk Systemicity Questionnaire. In more detail, following a presentation of the tools by their developers, the CITIES provided their final feedback on this joint pilot implementation of the tools. The core cities of Kristiansand, Glasgow and San Sebastian/Donostia then provided feedback on the pilot implementation activities in their cities, and the Tier 2 cities of Vejle, Bristol, Rome and Riga provided feedback on their peer-reviewing process.

Representatives from all the CITIES participated in an interactive discussion that was consisted of a panel with the three tier-1 CITIES, while the tier-2 CITIES acted as peer-reviewers and interviewers. The discussion was facilitated by ICLEI European Secretariat. In addition to this, the second review workshop introduced the System Dynamics model and the Resilience Building Policies Portoflio, which both are the final SMR tools that will be tested and validated in the tier-1 CITIES, through a set of interactive exercises facilitated by the tool developers and other partners, appointed by them before the workshop. It was finally also used to intiate brainstorming on the Resilience Management Guideline among partners and strengthens the integration between the 5 SMR tools.

The aim of this report is to explain the execution of the workshop, describing the activities carried out and the obtained results. First, the organisational and preparation issues, which took place in relation to the workshop are presented, including the invitation to the workshop, the agenda setting, and associated issues. Second, the main results from the exercises developed within the workshop are described. Finally, the evaluation and lessons learnt from the workshop are presented.The report is divided into five parts: The 1st part provides an introduction to the main activities and session of the 2nd Review Workshop, while it also provides information on methodology and process details. The 2nd part provides an overview of the preparation phase that led to the workshop, while the 3rd part is focusing on the setting and the execution of it. The 4th and larger part of this report provides a general outlook on the workshop sessions; summarizes the pilot implementation process and gathers feedback on the tools as elaborated by the pilot and the peer-review CITIES and provides with some final recommendations for both the tools.











This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.