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European and global cities come aboard the good ship SMR at European regional workshops and the UN World Urban Forum

8 February 2018

The Smart Mature Resilience team is on the road this February visiting European and global cities to train cities on the use of the tool suite that supports the European Resilience Management Guideline. Targeted regional workshops across Europe and a training session at the UN Habitat World Urban Forum in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia will share the tools with a new pool of cities. The series kicked off on 8th February with a Southern Europe Regional Workshop in the Tier 3 city of Malaga (Spain). This workshop was aimed at cities from Andalusia and southern Spain, who will join the Tier 4 group of cities and focussed on the uptake of SMR tools for tackling relevant hazards for Spain and Southern Europe.

A training session on "Strategic planning tools for urban resilience: city-to-city exchange on local resilience planning" will include introductions to the European Resilience Management Guideline, training on the Resilience Maturity Model, Risk Systemicity Questionnaire and Resilience Building Policies tool, and will include contributions by the Tier 3 city of Malmö (Sweden), further European cities of Bonn (Germany) and Umea (Sweden). Participants will include local and national government representatives from China, Denmark, Angola, Morocco, Nepal, Ethiopia, USA, Australia, Kenya, Argentina and Yemen.

The regional workshop for Scandinavian cities will be held in Kristiansand on 13th February and will focus on the uptake of SMR tools for tackling relevant hazards for Scandinavia and Northern Europe, water management, extreme flooding events and failure of critical infrastructure. Confirmed cities to date include Kristiansand (Norway), Vejle (Denmark), Oslo (Norway), Stavanger (Norway) and Malmö (Sweden).

A Central Europe Regional Workshop will take place in Berlin on 15th February and will focus on the uptake of SMR tools for tackling relevant hazards for Central Europe, namely extreme weather events, failure of infrastructure, storms and flooding, getting collective feedback on the European Resilience Management Guideline and reinforcing city-to-city collaboration through co-creation activities on resilience. The workshop will be combined with a Standardization workshop organised by German standardization institute DIN on CEN Workshop 92 City Resilience Development: Operational Guidance.

The final regional workshop will take place on 28 February in Athens (Greece) for the southeastern European region. This event will focus on the uptake of SMR tools for tackling heat waves and the Urban Heat Island effect in Greek cities and for the implementation of the Resilient Athens 2030 strategy, reinforcing city-to-city collaboration through co-creation activities on resilience and getting collective feedback on the European Resilience Management. The event is aimed at adjacent and neighboring municipalities to Athens and further Greek cities, with a view to potentially joining the SMR Tier 4.

Following this series will be a high-level event aimed at policymakers in Brussels as part of ICLEI Europe's Breakfast at Sustainability's.

Click here for further details on the SMR events and registration.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.