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European Open Day at Bonn Resilient Cities launched for 2016

22 February 2016

The EEA and ICLEI have joined forces again this year to organise the 3rd Open European Day (OED), the one-day European-focused event for climate adaptation practitioners, taking place on the 5th July, back-to-back with Resilient Cities 2016 in Bonn (Germany). The Open European Day is supported by the RESIN and Placard projects.

The event will follow the successful format of previous editions, where climate adaptation practitioners representing cities from “beginner” to “trailblazer” and key adaptation players will exchange valuable experience in an open and interactive setting. Institutions supporting urban adaptation development and scientists in the field will also contribute to addressing key questions raised by city representatives.

The thematic focus of this year’s edition will include climate services, nature-based solutions and how to mainstream adaptation. Financing adaptation will also be a topic of recurring consideration throughout the event. Participation is free of charge.

For more information, visit the Open European Day webpage.


Launch of Vejle’s Resilience Strategy

8 February 2016

Vejle has since early 2014 been investigating the man-made and natural challenges and risks it faces to ensure the city’s future resilience against risks. Its areas of particular focus are climate and flooding, co-creation, social resilience and developing a ‘smart’ city.

For the past year, Vejle’s Chief Resilience Officer, Jonas Koustrup, has worked in cooperation with the Rockefeller Foundation, Vejle’s strategy partner ARUP and all stakeholders in the city to prepare a resilience strategy. This will be presented to the City Council for approval next month.

The strategy will be launched on March 17, 2016, at the Munkebjerg Hotel. This will be attended by ambassadors, ministers and politicians from across the country, international city and municipal representatives, 100 Resilient Cities representatives and stakeholders from Vejle; businesspeople, NGOs and other organizations.

Likewise, during the week of the launch, a “Resilience Festival” will be held across the entire city with a programme of resilience-related activities and events to celebrate all things ‘resilience’.

Read more about Vejle.


RESIN focuses on adaptation as Greater Manchester experiences flood damage

4 February 2016

UK and Irish cities experienced record levels of rainfall in December 2015, bringing the question of critical infrastructure protection and city resilience to the top of the agenda for local and national governments across the region. Around 16,000 properties were flooded in the UK in December while 20,000 properties were protected by flood defences. Greater Manchester was particularly affected by Storm Eva, with 68.2mm of rain falling between 25 and 27 December. Two footbridges were washed away, one carrying a low pressure gas main, which subsequently exploded, leaving a number of homes without gas. Damage to infrastructure is likely to be in excess of £10 million.

Greater Manchester, as part of its role in the RESIN project, is working with RESIN research partner the University of Manchester to carry out a comprehensive city assessment in terms of climate change adaptation and resilience. The RESIN partnership between cities and scientists is an ideal opportunity for effective research into threats to infrastructure and for producing practical solutions that cities themselves have helped to create.

In November 2015, the University of Manchester produced a RESIN analysis of the hazards facing European cities arising from climate change. Primary causes were identified as sea level rise, flooding, heat-waves and drought. The study looks at how an area’s socio-economic and infrastructural characteristics can turn a climate event into a climate hazard. Crucially, this sheds light on which elements of climate-change related hazards can be controllable, allowing cities to adapt to a changing climate.

For more information, click here.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.