Co-creation process
Smart Mature Resilience cities work closely together with research partners to develop and validate tools through pilot activities encompassing critical infrastructure security, climate change and social dynamics.
The tools support and feed into one another as shown in the below image. The tools work together to support an overall European Resilience Management Guideline.
Risk Systemicity Questionnaire
The Risk Systemicity Questionnaire is an Excel based tool where users are asked to consider the relative likelihood of a broad range of risks in their cities.
Based on the responses to the questions contained in each of the topics of the RSQ, participants are provided with a relative risk score (an estimated risk level for the city) and an awareness score (the level of knowledge the city has about the possible risk scenarios). In addition to this, users can access policies recommendations that may be used to address those risk scenarios that are of most threat to the city.
Resilience Maturity Model
The Resilience Maturity Model provides a common understanding of the resilience building process. Using the Resilience Maturity Model, CITIES are asked to consider CITY’s current status of resilience. The model then helps to identify the correct policies to implement in order for the CITY to evolve and move to the next maturity stage.
Resilience Information Tool
The Resilience Information and Communication Portal serves as a toolbox that can complement and enhance the platforms and software that cities already have in place. It allows cities to display data internally or publicly that is already available to the city as it applies to resilience, vulnerability and crisis situations. The portal allows for different levels of users to allow for city managers, critical infrastructure providers, citizens or other stakeholders to be able to contribute information as applies to a given city context.
Resilience Building Policies
The Resilience Building Policies tool is a searchable online collection of illustrative real case studies of policy implementation in cities. The tool includes references to other sources that provide details of case studies of policy implementation in cities and provides a practical point of reference for cities considering the implementation of related poliices. It provides illustrative detail forthe policies in the Maturity Model and the System Dynamics Model and can be navigated conveniently via a dedicated webpage. Users can also add their own examples via the SMR Policy Wiki.
City Resilience Dynamics Model
The City Resilience Dynamics Model is an interactive online learning game that helps to build knowledge to support staff in budgeting the resources needed for the resilience building process and also in analysing budgetary deviations during the development of resilience. It can be used as part of strategic planning and supports deep understanding of reasons for budgetary decisions for resilience strategising and the logic behind prioritising policies. It helps to support deep understanding of the impact of the temporal order in which the policies should be implemented and helps to understand the Resilience Maturity Model.
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.