Number of cooperation agreements with external governmental bodies and cities
Number of policies aligned with regional, national and international input
Policy description
At this stage, the resilience action plan has been aligned, integrated and connected with national plans. At this point, this is extended to include regional, national and international resilience management guidelines.
Case studies
Resilient San Fransisco
The San Francisco Planning Department released its five-year work plan in 2015. The plan put forward strategies for short-term actions and long-term results, honing in on four key challenges and aspirations for San Francisco: remaining an equitable and inclusive city; access and mobility; resiliency and long-term sustainability; and placemaking. The plan approaches these key challenges and aspirations through five strategic place-based initiatives:
- The Heart of San Francisco—seeking to inspire design for our city’s public realm;
- A Resilient Waterfront—considering access to and growth along the waterfront, and the threat of sea level rise;
- Next Generation SF—seeking to shape and connect the growth in Southeast San Francisco;
- A City of Neighborhoods—looking at the diverse and distinct character of our City’s neighborhoods; and
- Bridging the Bay—collaborating across the Bay to develop a shared vision.
The five-year work program closely aligns with the goals of this strategy, building a strategic vision for San Francisco’s future, considering the threats we face and the reality of growth as we look to SF@1M. The Office of Resilience and Recovery will support the Planning Department.
Source: http://sfgsa.org/sites/default/files/Document/Resilient%20San%20Francisco.pdf
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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.