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Number of policies aligned with regional, national and international input






Align, integrate and connect the resilience action plan with national plans



At this point, the resilience action plan has already been aligned, integrated and connected with regional plans. This policy further extends this work to plans at the national level.



Kristiansand: Implementation of national principles for cooperation during crisis and disasters

This project aims to facilitate joint efforts between critical services in the municipality during a crises or disaster. Workshops and activities were held to engage stakeholders in discussions of cooperation and identification of interdependencies of risks.

Kristiansand: A National Transport Plan for better and safer daily travel


Based on a national transport plan for better and safer daily travel the city of Kristiansand, together with several municipalities in the region, have taken measures to improve safety and reduce emissions of passenger traffic.

Additional case studies

Interplay of national frameworks and local adaptation in Denmark, France and the United Kingdom


Laws and regulations need to be monitored to be effective. France adopted laws for local climate action yet only half of the local authorities comlied in any way. In the Uk they fared better due to national montoring of local authorities. 75% percent of the authorites responded in a survey that they would have done nothing if they hadn't needed to report it. In Denmark the adoption of a legal fframework qwas a accompanied by funding and a team of expert who local municipalites could consult for free in order to implement their local plans.

Source: EEA, Box 5.4
Additional sources

Link, http://www.klimatilpasning.dk/kommuner.aspx, Climate Adapt, France (EEA and EC, 2015), Ministère du Développement Durable (2011); direct communication with Celine Phillips, ADEME, October 2015; UKCIP, 2011.")


Integrating greenhouse gas inventories as a decision making tool for informed action


Aiming to develop an effective strategy to address climate change mitigation solutions, Fortaleza used its first GHG Emissions Inventory to complement existing studies for improvements in strategic sectors such as transport, which were later embedded in the city’s Climate Action Plan.

Source: ICLEI


Reducing car use among employees in Balzers (Liechtenstein)


At electrical engineering firm INFICON AG, an initial survey undertaken for an ISO 14001 certification showed about 63 per cent of individual trips were by motorised transport. A plan was drawn up with the goal of reducing the mode share of individual vehicles.

Source: ELTIS



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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.