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SMR partners meet in Vejle to work on validation of tools

10 May 2016

The Smart Mature Resilience project meets in Vejle from 9-12 May 2016 to proceed with validation of the tools under development by the project: the maturity model, the systemic risk assessment questionnaire and the engagement tool.

Each of the seven project cities have been able to analyse and assess their resilience engagement and development in relation to the resilience maturity model schema of "S, M, A, R and T". The cities share their experience as part of the Circle of Sharing and Learning as to their progress through the various stages of resilience development by presenting their experiences and best practices in Vejle and also as part of 2-tier webinars.

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.