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June 2019

Resilient Cities 2019: The 10th Global Forum on Urban Resilience & Adaptation

26 - 28 June 2019
Bonn, Germany

The Resilient Cities congress series

Resilient Cities - The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation - is the global platform for urban resilience and climate change adaptation, hosted every year in Bonn.

In 2010 ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change and the City of Bonn, Germany launched Resilient Cities, the first World Congress on Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change (in 2012 renamed as Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation). More than 500 participants and beyond 30 partners each year helped make Resilient Cities a milestone event connecting local government leaders and climate adaptation experts to discuss adaptation challenges facing urban environments around the globe.

The congress offers a number of sessions and events on a wide variety of topics amongst which were urban risk, resilient urban logistics, financing the resilient city, urban agriculture and food, smart infrastructure and many more.

Resilient Cities also supports the annual Bonn Declaration of Mayors – written by local leaders during the Mayors Adaptation Forum, organized with the World Mayors Council on Climate Change.

The registration for the 2019 congress is now open!

Learn more on the event page.








This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.