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October 2015

SMR Workshop for Partners and CITIES

26 - 29 October 2015
Riga, Latvia
City representatives and academic partners including DIN and ICLEI met in Riga from 26 - 29 October 2015 to share the project's initial outcomes and lay the foundation for the next months' work package progress. The workshop focussed on the identification of milestones and obstacles for the resilience building process and how to identify indicators and variables to measure a city's level of resilience.

The workshop aimed to maximise its international span of contrasting regions to compare and explore the Critical Infrastructure risks that must be recognised in different regions as as part of the resilience building process and to analyse the organisational structures that are most crucially positioned to handle risks.








This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.