


The Resilience Maturity Model provides a common understanding of the resilience building process. Using the Resilience Maturity Model, CITIES are asked to consider CITY’s current status of resilience. The model then helps to identify the correct policies to implement in order for the CITY to evolve and move to the next maturity stage.


The Resilience Maturity Model:

  • can  be used as part of strategic planning
  • helps cities identify their level of resilience maturity
  • helps cities to identify suitable policies to implement to develop resilience
  • provides a point of reference for self-assessing effectiveness of resilience development
  • helps cities prioritise resilience policy implementation on the basis of diagnosis and assessment
  • can provide cities with justification for need for funding for specific measures



Starting: Starting with local (departmental) resilience plans


Moderate: Integration of local (departmental) resilience plans


Advanced: Implementation of the integrated (holistic) resilience plan


Robust: Internationalising resilience


VerTebrate: Leading resilient city

1. Find policies by maturity stage

The Resilience Maturity Model lays out a five-stage path for cities towards resilience maturity:

  1. Starting
  2. Moderate
  3. Advanced
  4. Robust and
  5. Vertebrate.

To find policies associated with one of the five maturity stages, click on the icon.


Leadership & Governance


Infrastructure and resources




2. Find policies by dimension

The policies that cities can use to build resilience have been grouped into four main categories:

  1. Leadership & Governance
  2. Infrastructure and resources
  3. Preparedness
  4. Cooperation

To find policies associated with one of the four dimensions, click on the icon.


 Local government


Emergency services


Critical infrastructures


Public-private companies






Regional government






Academic and scientific entities


National government


European policymakers


International organisations

3. Find policies by stakeholder

Are you working in a city and would like to find policies applicable to your work? The icons left show the stakeholders involved in various stages on the resilience development process. Below, the stakeholders are listed according to stage at which they join the resilience development process. Once a stakeholder is involved, they continue to contribute from that point onwards. The final 'Vertebrate' stage involves all CITY stakeholders.


Local government

Emergency services

Critical infrastructures


Public-private companies



Regional government




Academic and scientific entities

National government


European policymakers


International organisations

Municipality, cross-sectorial and multi-governance collaboration (L1)


Legislation development and refinement (L2)


Learning culture (learning and dissemination) (L3)


Resilience action plan development (L4)


Diagnosis and Assessment (P1)


Education and Training (P2)


Reliability of CIs and their interdependences (I1)


Resources to build up resilience and to response (I2)   


 Development of partnerships with city stakeholders (C1)


 Involvement in resilience networks of cities (C2)

4. Find policies by subdimension

Ten policies subdimensions can be categorised under the four dimensions: 


L: Leadership & Governance

L1: Municipality, cross-sectorial and multi-governance collaboration
L2: Legislation development and refinement
L3: Learning culture (learning and dissemination)
L4: Resilience action plan development


P: Preparedness

P1: Diagnosis and Assessment

P2: Education and Training


I: Infrastructure and resources

I1: Reliability of Cis and their interdependences

I2: Resources to build up resilience and to response


C: Cooperation

C1: Development of partnerships with city stakeholders

C2: Involvement in resilience networks of cities


To find policies associated with one of the ten subdimensions, click on the icon.


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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.