Our Tier 2 Cities
Rome in Italy
As Italy’s capital, Rome is the focus of contemporary Italy’s economic and cultural life. The concept of resilience has a unique declination in the context of Rome given the international relevance of its heritage. The entire historical centre of the city is a UNESCO world heritage site as are a number of other major individual sites, making the city highly vulnerable to stresses and shocks related to predicted global crises including climate change. Enhancing resilience in a Roman context is closely related to developing the collective and institutional capacity to preserve heritage and its global accessibility from shocks and stresses. Aside from the intrinsic value of cultural heritage, tourism to the city’s historic sites comprises one of the city’s most important industries.
Rome in Europe
Rome is among the largest cities in Europe whose role in Europe’s political, cultural and economic life cannot be understated. Historically a destination for migration from across Italy and elsewhere, Rome is currently playing a crucial role in Europe’s refugee crisis both in negotiations in Brussels and in practice in the city. As a major transport hub connecting Northern Europe to the Mediterranean, Europe will continue to depend on Rome’s role as part of in-migration to Europe.
Planning Rome
The 2008 structural plan of the city of Rome contains significant regulative innovations aimed at increasing the city’s resilience against ecological challenges. First, a new zoning strategy aimed at preserving rural land and at concentrating development around transit nodes was implemented. Second, new regulations were aimed at increasing the efficiency of ecological treatment of meteoric waters mitigating the effects of climatic events. Current planning activity focuses on the intensive reuse of existing public and private building stock as an alternative to sprawl and inner-city depopulation. Rome introduced a Sustainable Energy Action Plan in 2013 to reduce carbon emissions of cutting carbon emissions.
Resilience Goals
Rome plans to build its resilience against increasingly frequent extreme weather conditions and to minimise flooding affecting urban areas. The city plans to support the development of infrastructure capable of resisting and recovering from seismic events and from the risk of sinkholes and other hazards related to the particular characteristics of Roman subsoil. Finally, the city plans for a healthy population and conserved heritage by reducing air pollution.
Resilience Engagement
Geohazard information project Pangeo partner
Enhancement of the city GIS system
Updated emergency plans through EU-funded Opere System and Pro Capite Initiatives
"Transitioning towards Urban Resilience and Sustainability (Turas)" project partner
"Changing Mediterranean Metropolises Around Time (Cat-Med)" project partner
“Social and Intercultural Dialogue through Governance for Local development: Mediterranean Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture (UPA)” (SIDIG-MED) project partner
Member of 100 Resilient Cities Network in partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation
City Factsheet
Approx. 2.9m
1,287.36 km2
River Tiber
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 653569.